Our office’s goal is to service existing employers and recruit prospective businesses to Dunklin County. We focus on Strategic Planning, Real Estate Development, Workforce Development, Public and Private Finance. We showcase the unique agricultural, industrial, and retail opportunities driving commerce in Missouri’s Bootheel. Our personnel have developed relationships with elected officials, utility providers, and community stakeholders to foster positive growth and create packages attractive to prospective employers.
January 07, 2025 | |
Upcoming Bridge Replacement Projects in Dunklin, Pemiscot Counties | |
Notice of Opportunity for Public Meeting | |
SIKESTON-The Missouri Department of Transportation plans to replace four bridges in Dunklin and Pemiscot Counties. The bridges to be replaced include:
Work to replace the bridges could begin as early as June 2025. During construction, the roadway will be closed in the vicinity of each bridge for approximately three months. For the Route 164 closures, only one bridge will be closed at a time to ensure access to property between the two bridges being replaced. Maps, plans, and other information prepared by MoDOT will be available for public inspection and copying at MoDOT’s Sikeston District office, 2675 N. Main St. in Sikeston, Missouri. If assistance is needed in another language, please contact MoDOT Project Manager Chris Crocker at (573) 472-9033 by Friday, Jan. 10, 2025. Any person affected by these projects may request that a public meeting be held in regard to the proposed improvements. Requests for a public meeting shall be in writing and must be submitted to District Engineer Mark Croarkin at 2675 North Main St., Sikeston, MO 63801, by Jan. 15, 2025. For more information, please contact MoDOT District Design Engineer Tim Pickett at (573) 472-9003, MoDOT Project Manager Chris Crocker at (573) 472-9033 or MoDOT’s Customer Service toll-free at 1-888 ASK MoDOT (275-6636). Comments and questions may also be submitted online at www.modot.org/form/dunklinpemiscotbridges. Please submit comments by Jan. 15, 2025.
Attention Union Township Residents: Dunklin County is conducting an important survey to gather insights and better serve our community. Random addresses in Union Township have been selected to participate. If you receive this survey by mail, your input is crucial. Please take a few moments to complete it, return it, and let your voice be heard. Thank you for helping us make Dunklin County a better place for everyone!
Looking for Commercial or Industrial property? Check out our available listings at LocationOne.
Are you a Dunklin County landowner interested in selling or leasing? Contact Director Melissa Combs to learn about listing your property to prospective investors.
Highway 412 is a vital corridor in Dunklin County, connecting Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee. 20 miles of the highway from Cardwell, MO to Kennett, MO are currently in two-lane status. The top transportation priority of Dunklin County Commission is the expansion of 412 to 4-lanes or greater. The Commission desires highway expansion due to safety and economic factors.
Dunklin County Commission participated in cost-sharing with MoDOT to complete an environmental and design study. That study is complete and will be presented to the public in Spring 2025 with a public hearing.
Dunklin County participates in the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission’s Transportation Advisory Committee. At the January 2025 meeting, the TAC voted to make the expansion of 412 the #1 priority for the six county region.
MoDOT, working with RPCs and MPOs, has developed a High Priority Unfunded Needs list to guide the development of projects into funded projects as state and federal transportation funds increase.
Dunklin County features multiple items on the list, featuring the expansion of US HWY 412 due to safety and economic development concerns. To view the list follow this link: https://www.modot.org/sites/default/files/documents/High-Priority%20Unfunded%20Needs%202024.pdf
An environmental study has been conducted on the project and is awaiting approval from SHPO and FHWA. A public hearing will be announced upon approval.
Dunklin County’s Director of Economic Development Melissa Combs earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer MoCED on October 8, 2024. The certification comes from Missouri Economic Development Council (MEDC) and the Missouri Department of Economic Development (MODED) who have undertaken a thorough review of how Missouri compares with other competing states and have developed a Missouri Certified Economic Developer Program, MoCED.
The MoCED designation represents the Missouri economic development practitioner’s commitment to advancing Missouri’s economy and elevating the economic development profession. The MoCED designation certifies that the Missouri economic development professional has a broad understanding of Missouri’s economic development assets and can serve as knowledgeable resources and liaisons for businesses and communities as they look to grow and thrive in Missouri.
The objectives of the certification program are:
To be eligible for the certification, Missouri economic development professionals must:
Dunklin County is in the process of updating the Dunklin County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The existing plan, approved by FEMA five years ago was developed in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. To maintain eligibility for certain FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants, the Act requires jurisdictions to develop a plan to assess their risks to hazards and identify actions that can be taken in advance to reduce future losses. The law requires Hazard Mitigation Plans to be updated every five years.
Bootheel Regional Planning Commission has taken the lead in developing this plan. Dunklin County’s plan is viewable at: https://bootrpc.com/dunklin-county . The points of contact are Christy LeGrand and Christine Young, Community Development Specialists. To successfully complete this project and ensure your organization is eligible for FEMA hazard mitigation assistance funding, we need your participation and input. Jurisdictions (including county and city governments and school districts) that do not participate in an approved Hazard Mitigation Plan are NOT eligible to apply for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants.
Jurisdictions with questions regarding the plan should contact Christy LeGrand at [email protected].
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, or CEDS, is the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission’s (BRPC) guiding plan that helps determine our activities and efforts in the coming years. The plan is updated every five years by BRPC staff and the CEDS Committee. The plan includes an analysis of the region’s:
Demographics and economy;
Inventory of region’s strengths, opportunities, aspirations and risks;
Goals and objectives to help grow, develop, and move the region forward.
Bootheel Regional Planning Needs Your Insights!
We invite you to review the 2024 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) plan for the Missouri Bootheel.
Building a Better Bootheel is the 2024 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the Missouri Bootheel. This strategy was prepared by the Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission (BRPC) in cooperation with the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee.
Beginning Monday, August 5, BRPC hereby opens the strategy for public comment. If you have feedback on this plan, please email [email protected] by 4 pm on September 4. You may also view a hard copy of the plan at 105 E. North Main, Dexter, MO between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm Monday through Thursday, and 8 am and 3 pm on Friday.
To view the updated CEDS and make comments visit: https://bootrpc.com/ceds-plan
Posted: July 18, 2023
Grand Opening of Cim-Tek Filtration’s Kennett Facility Celebrated by State and Local Dignitaries Kennett, MO (July 18, 2023)
Cim-Tek Filtration, a leading manufacturer of filtration products, celebrated the grand opening of its new site in Kennett, Missouri. Production at the new facility began recently and this expansion will allow the company to continue to innovate in filtration and develop new products available worldwide from production facilities in Bement, IL, Monticello, IL, and now Kennett, MO.
“Cim-Tek Filtration’s expansion in Kennett is an exciting development for the Southeast region and another example of continued business investment in our state,” said Governor Mike Parson. “Whether in an urban center or rural area, Missouri has the resource advantages companies need to find success. We’re proud to add this family-owned business to our growing list of leading manufacturers who are choosing our state for its skilled workforce, infrastructure, and low business costs. As Cim-Tek opens its new facility, we wish them much success in the Show-Me State.”
100 Kennett Court Square
Kennett, MO 63857
1175 Floyd Street
Kennett, MO 63857
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